Day 4: Someone who inspires me
It is hard to chose just one person that inspires me. The first person I thought of was my grandmother who always has a will to work, to take care of her family and to give a helping hand to those in need.
Also, her most delicious foods that I have tried in my 23 years of life are quite an inspiration to any young housewife.
Yet, as it is with everyone, my grandmother is not the perfect perfection, so to say, when it comes to inspiration. Albeit her good side, she, too, has numerous problems, which cloud her kind soul and leave her in misery. Nonetheless, I still see her as a loving and caring woman, who tries her best to make the ends meet; not just for herself, but for her granddaughter (me!) too — this is how I remember her and will always see her. Now she has two more grandchildren to take care of, wheres I — the first grandchild she had and whom she raised — am far away from her.
Then I thought of my aunt, who started me on my spiritual path. She has a strong connection to her surroundings, having cultivated a haven in her back yard. She truly has a paradise on Earth — blooming flowers, fertile lands that give her various vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs — whatever she puts into the ground, Mother Nature gives her back 100 times better. She follows her spirit and she truly knows her soul. Although she also has some darkness within her, her spiritual life is grand and vast, and this inspires me to seek out peace and purification of my spirit.
The more I think of people around me and search for someone who is my true inspiration, the more I see that not everyone is perfect.
Despite all this, what truly inspires me is not a specific person per se, but the good in this person. My grandma’s love of her family and my aunt’s connection to Nature are just two examples of the good that people can carry out to the world. There are so many good instances where people take care of each other; they all ignite my belief that life is beautiful and that the world is beautiful, too.
No one is perfect and it would be a waste of time to reach that perfection. What is being perfect, anyway? No matter how overwhelming the darkness of one’s soul is, this darkness always originates from good intentions of the soul. There is good in each and every one of us. And that’s what inspires me the most.