Day 26: An area in my life I’d like to improve
I suck at staying focused on one thing at a time.
Some super-researched studies have shown that multitasking is a horrible idea because then you aren’t dedicating 100% of your attention to the task at hand, and therefore you do a shitty job at it.
A part of me wants to be better at focusing at one thing at a time, but then another part wants to run free in the wild, lost in all possible life scenarios.
Am I going to change my ways? I hope so. Guess I gotta develop strong self-discipline first.
To look at it broadly, self-discipline is a crucial characteristic to perfect, if one wants to achieve the goals one puts before oneself. Self-discipline, in my humble — and, perhaps, experienced — opinion, is an important factor in success.
And we all want to feel like a success.