Day 17: My zodiac sign
My zodiac sign is Leo and I think it suits me generally okay. To make my job easier with this entry I decided to turn to an app that tells me about my zodiac sign. According to it:
Leo is a fire sign; it is prone to rash decisions and is short-tempered.
True, but I take more time to think through things before making a decision and I am trying to keep my attitude on a leash.
Leo is one of the most creative and ambitious signs. These talents help him to succeed in nearly any endeavor they set in their minds.
I do think outside of the box and look for positive solutions, rather than just simply “be creative”. Being creative for me means being able to draw on paper from mind or spitting out poem after a poem. I’m not like that, but this characteristic has a grain of truth.
Leos love to be the centre of attention and they often are because they are so enthusiastic, courageous, loyal and generous.
I don’t like to be the centre of attention, that’s just silly. The attention has to be the right kind of attention. Actually, being in the centre of attention makes me uncomfortable sometimes. I can be enthusiastic, but it will be when there’s no talking to people involved.
Because the lion is the king of the jungle animals, Leos often think of themselves as the king or queen of the universe! But they need to learn to tame their pride and to be less concerned about appearances.
I don’t think of myself like that, I know I am not the queen of the universe and I would give the job to someone else if I was one. I am more tamed than the app suggests. And I do care about my appearance, but not to the extent that is implied here. So, this point overall does not apply to me.
Leos love to give without asking first. That’s because they always assume their “gift” is truly needed. As a natural born leader, Leo can become a great inspiration for others.
Yes, this used to be a huge thing; not anymore. I stopped giving gifts out, and when I do, it’s because I see that they deserve it.
Fiercely loyal and protective of loved ones, the Lion is proudly devoted to each and every member of the family.
Uhh, sure.
Strong, loving, and regal, this person is always conscious of making everyone proud.
Not really. I don’t care about making people proud. I want to be proud of myself first.
With brothers and sisters, Leo is charming and likable, but siblings may come to resent Leo’s natural need to be in charge.
Wouldn’t know about this, because, hey, who wants another child? Not my parents. I am stuck being the only child, and I love it and hate it at the same time.
Leo is also the King or the Queen when it comes to romance, often lavishing a lover with gifts of flowers, candy, home-cooked meals or whatever appeals most the object of this person’s affection. If a Leo is in love, there is no doubt about it because Leos more often than not wear their heart on their sleeve. And when you are loved by a Leo, you can rest assured that this regal beast will always be there to defend your honour and trumpet your achievements.
This all used to be true, but after a misfortune I stopped giving out gifts of affection. I feel like I have none to give anyways, because some people just could not appreciate everything that I have done for them. I hope I will be able to be sweet, protective and loving again, but right now all this cute talk and lovey-dovey business just makes me nauseated.
Anyone who compares with a Leo in the workplace has better get out of the way because Leos are very competitive and they plan to win.
I hate competition, but if there is something that I want to get, I will go every way to get it.
Very driven and very smart, Leo is always on the lookout for opportunities to get ahead.
Yes, or just be different from everyone else, in smart ways, of course.
Leo is the natural leader of the pack and does not know the meaning of the word “no” when it comes to earning position that is coveted. Many Leos choose to be in business for themselves because being the “king of the jungle” by their nature — they don’t like to answer to anyone.
I am not really good with leadership positions, therefore the last sentence is true — I don’t like to answer to anyone and would rather be solo. But then again, who wouldn’t want a bunch of minions to rule over?
In general, any description of my sign is true and applicable to me, except for the parts of high ego, stuck-up pride, being the centre of attention, having fashion model appearance and being extremely loyal. I try to be humble and generous, and I definitely am not going to be loyal to snotty slobs.